2020-12-19 · Professor Giovanni Volpe at the Department of Physics has been selected as recipient of a new European Research Council (ERC… Have you studied at the University of Gothenburg? Then you are an alumnus or an alumna and welcome to join our network. Your
Molecular Pain is a peer-reviewed open access medical journal covering all aspects of The editors-in-chief are Jianguo Gu (University of Alabama at Birmingham) and Min Zhuo (University of Toronto), who Sciences; Embase · I
2017-07-01 · Searches of seven databases (PsycINFO, Medline (Ovid), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, EMBASE, CINAHL, AMED, ClinicalTrials.gov) were undertaken in June 2014 and July 2015. We evaluated to what extent the studies we identified met the criteria suggested by Kazdin for establishing mechanisms of action within a psychological treatment (2007, 2009). Fixeringar vid våld och skjutvapen hos individer med autismspektrumtillstånd/Aspergers syndrom måste uppmärksammas, skriver Elisabeth Fernell och Magnus Landgren, som refererar till en ny studie som pekar på vikten av intervention och prevention. Seznam tujih revij, ki so vključene v mednarodno bazo podatkov PsycINFO 2020 2233-6710, Asia Taepyeong-yang sangdam yeon-gu, Korean Counseling Google Scholar http://scholar.google.com Free; PsycINFO http://www.apa.org/ pubs/databases/psycinfo/ Free; PubMed Central http://pubmedcentra.org Free GU Home · Studium; Literaturrecherche in Abstract-Datenbanken.
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Gu jin tu shu ji cheng. Ebooks. This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database. Full text of classic Chinese texts, in Chinese. more less.
Aim: The purpose of this literature study was to explore the similarities and differences between elderly women’s and men’s experiences of depression, viewed from a gender perspective. Method: A systematic literature search was carried out using the databases PubMed and PsycINFO. METHOD: A systematic review was conducted, searching for published research in electronic databases: PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, PsycInfo, Web of Science and Embase between 2017 and 2019. Original studies with both qualitative and quantitative methods were included and assessed according to the quality assessment tools EPHPP and CASP. As PsycINFO has grown, so has the cost of accessing it. At one time it was free to individuals.
APA PsycINFO er en bibliografisk database, der indeholder referencer med abstracts. Databasen dækker alle discipliner inden for psykologi og beslægtede områder. Den dækker de psykologiske aspekter af emnerne medicin, psykiatri, sygepleje, sociologi, uddannelse, farmakologi, fysiologi, antropologi, sociale forhold, økonomi og jura.
The Complete classics collection of ancient China was PsycINFO Info. PsycINFO (the extended version of PsycLit) covers Lathund till PsycINFO (OVID) PsycINFO innehåller referenser till artiklar inom psykologi Inloggning Gå till www.gu.se/alumn/ eller till din fakultets alumnsida.
This opens a pop-up window to share the URL for this database. Full text of classic Chinese texts, in Chinese. more less. Yulong Gu and Amee P. Shah Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (via EBSCOhost), PsycINFO (via EBSCOhost), Education Resources 25 jan 2021 PsycINFO. PsycINFO provides access to international literature in psychology and related disciplines.